Good race today out in Hawthorn Woods. Yet another new venue this time promoted by Ted Schweitzer, who is an independent bicycle rep. Ted did an excellent job of working with the park and setting up a course that included two fun trips up a toboggan hill. I can't say I had the best day, and not sure what it was exactly....could have been the heat, could have used maybe a double ring for that hill??? who knows. I think I ended up 5th on the day. Roman and Jim were in the teens, Mark dnf'd with the busted post. Eric Sondag (VQ) looked super solid on his new Ridley and traded blows with the eventual winner lap for lap, congrats on 2nd place, nice work! Lots of photos courtesy of my daughter Chloe, just of the 30, 40, and 50 race as marathon duty had us shooting down to watch my wife whoop her last year's time by 15 minutes. Greg's post today leaves me wishing for cooler temps and more technical sections...